Sunday 15 March 2009

Contract not bend

Since starting the project, finding a method to make the columns of light appear to bend has proven to be extremely difficult. I have tried options that include lenses, tilting the light source and even software options, none of which have provided an adequate method to achieve the desired effect. As a result I have decided to consider other interactive possibilities, as I would rather a working form of interaction than spend the remaining amount of time trying to find a solution and not succeeding. Although this is a disappointing prospect, as I was extremely interested by the original idea, it is also an exciting prospect as it will allow me to consider other possibilities that may not have been thought of before hand, and could even produce a more enriched experience.

I would like to make it clear that this is not a decision that I have taken lightly and it is a careful choice that will hopefully improve and develop the project.

During recent discussions about the installation I have considered the idea of introducing a method of making the light column appear to contract and expand. This would have direct correlation to how close the users are to the column; the closer they are the more the column will contract. Although I like the idea of such a system it is a idea that requires more consideration to see if it would actually be possible. The initial idea would be to have two L shape pieces of wood or card, the would be aligned with each other to form a square in the middle of them.

These pieces could then be controlled by a pull system to move them in and out, controlling how much light is allowed through the central square. I am uncertain, however, if this will be successful as I believe that the light will simple spread once if leaves the central square, but in order to be certain I would like to test how successful this technique will be.

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