Saturday 16 May 2009

What Would I Change?

I have always found it important to consider what I would change if I had more time to continue developing the project, or if I was to do it again. Although I am happy with how the project has evolved and the stage that it is at now; something that I consider to be a finished product, I would like to readdress the original brief that I set myself before the project. I had struggled to find a solution to produce a square column; something that I would like to research further once the project is finished, as I think that it would be a wonderful effect.

The columns that I produced in the end were visually stunning, and worked extremely well. I would have preferred, however, if they could have been brighter with a crisp outer line, something that was compromised for an increased level of control. This was a sensible decision for the project, which would not have been possible without the DMX controlled lights, but it is worth noting that the lights were not completely satisfactory.

My main regret concerning the project was surrounding the research and pre-production stage of the work. I did not use this period as effectively as I could have done, and feel that I should have utilized the time more wisely. This stage could have been used to test and make decisions that instead had to be made conducted during the production period of the project.

Although I enjoyed working on my own, as it granted me flexibility regarding schedule and decisions, I think that it would have been useful to have worked with a partner. Throughout my university career I have found it useful to work with somebody else, as I find it extremely useful to continuously bounce ideas back and forth, something that I was not able to do during this work (except for in a tutorial environment). A partner would have also benefitted my time management, which although I was able to organize myself effectively would probably have had more time to consider the theory behind the project.

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