Monday 11 May 2009

New name?

I had initially decided to call the project 'Seeing is Believing' which played on the idea that light can't bend, and in order to believe it was happening you would have to see it. Since moving away from bending light, and with the adoption of colour I decided that it was necessary to change the name of the project. I also wanted to do this as I wanted the title to be more professional than the original idea. Whilst thinking of possibilities I was keen to think of something the the three columns could be represented in, for example a word with three "I's" and three "L's" as these could represent the columns in a logo format. I was also keen to think of something that explained the project, without necessarily given away the secrets to it. For example, I wanted it to be apparent that this was a piece concerning light, but didn't want to reveal the use of colour or on/off feature, or in fact that there were three columns, as these were features that I wanted to become apparent once the user was in the installation.

Whilst considering titles, the name illuminate came to mind, as it fits all of the criteria that I wanted from a title. I think it also considers the idea that light can be more than a means to illuminate, providing an antonymous adjective. I also liked the way that the word could appear with three columns in it "Illuminate" but how this would also go unnoticed until after the user had been in the installation.

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