Thursday 29 January 2009


Light projection:

In order to produce three separate columns I plan to use at least three projectors (one per beam). However, as it has not yet been confirmed that a square beam can be achieved using a single projector it may be necessary to introduce further projectors. In order for the light to appear to move it may be necessary to mount the projectors on tilt-able frames or introduce lens' in front of the projectors. This will be dependent on further testing and the capabilities of the light video.

Lasers Sensors:

As I have outlined in earlier entries I want to introduce an interactive aspect to the project, which will be dependent on laser-like sensors. A laser is a narrow and powerful beam of light. If the beam is broken this is acknowledge by the receiver, which can then be set to produce a given output. It is this form of sensor that is commonly seen in films such as Mission Impossible, where lasers are used as high-tec security systems. Although, this system is often preferred in such hollywood circumstance, due to the visual aspect (bright red beams), in reality they can work effectively. During research for Research and Pre-production I found a cheap and effective method of producing lasers that could act as sensors. Unfortunately there is a problem with a laser system, although they are invisible to the naked eye, the smoke that will be used during the installation will highlight them allowing them to be seen, which will ruin the effect of the piece. As a result I will try to find a similar system. I am currently researching into the possibility using light receiving diodes, again this is something that will become clearer following further testing.

In order for the project to work efficiently I will need to use software that can control light, laser motion detection and be able to connect the two. I have experimented with different programs and have decided to use Processing to control the installation, and to produce the light. Unfortunately I have limited knowledge of Processing and consequently will have to devote a significant amount of time to learning how to use it properly. Processing is an open source program that is often used to control electronic arts and there is a great deal of online support. There are also countless updates and add-ons, many of which are specific for light.

I will hire a smoke machine, which will be used in order to help the light columns be as bright as possible.

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